About Rebecca Sobbi

I am a landscape artist and educator living West of Calgary, Alberta in the forests near the Canadian Rockies. I create from my home studio, surrounded by spruce trees, with my three boys.

I am endlessly inspired by nature and a fresh perspective. I create work inspired by the land and sea, and the beauty that surrounds me in this part of the world. I truly seek after beauty and I create from a place of peace and serenity. I wish to share that deep feeling of peace with you and your home.

Rebecca Sobbi, Landscape Artist from Calgary, posing in the mountains of Kananaskis, Alberta.


I grew up in a home where creativity was nurtured and encouraged. As a child, I would carry around a sketchbook, drawing inspiration from my father’s magazines. I created in any way I possibly could, favouring creativity over entertainment. For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a professional artist.

In 2019 I officially launched my artistic career after a long hiatus from studying fine art in College. I began by creating larger paintings in oils (my first love) when I realized that the slow nature of oil paint was not conducive to a life surrounded by three very energetic boys.

I began to explore creating in watercolours, which was an entirely different experience for me, but one that provided a quicker end result and could be completed during nap time.

I also taught in-person art classes to homeschool children that surrounded the history of the masters and the exploration of different artistic styles. It brought me so much joy to infuse a love of art into their young lives.

I worked in original collections from 2019 to 2020, creating work in batches based around a specific theme and creating prints from a limited number of my paintings. I offered my work exclusively to my collectors who generously supported my creative practice in multiple ways.

In 2021 I received my own large Epson printer and began printing all of my art in-house. My work began to sustain my family in a more dependable and reliable way.

My art focuses on the relationship between light and color in nature. The greatest gift I have found through art is the ability to truly see. This ability is felt in all aspects of my life. The ombré light through mountain peaks, the mist and shadows of the forest, and the dancing movement of waves crashing on the shore, are all brought to life through this ability. Each and every day the mundane around me is made vibrant because of my love for art and creativity.

My studio spaces have taken over our home. My creative studio space doubles as a dining room, and the spare room has become my print studio. I create all of my work literally in-house. I work primarily in watercolors and oil paint and my work is ever evolving around the needs of my family.

My work is in the process of constant evolution and deep growth with vast goals. I feel sustained with the energy my work provides and I look forward to watching my career bloom.

I feel so blessed see my childhood dreams unfold as it is a deep honour to work each day in this way.

Read more about my story, inspiration, and my creative practice on the Blog

Rebecca Sobbi's Studio with a collection of framed, original coastal  watercolour paintings inspired by California's West Coast.
Artist, Rebecca Sobbi painting an original watercolor painting in her studio in Calgary, Alberta
A Collection of original watercolour paintings inspired by lakes and oceans in Rebecca Sobbi's Studio in Calgary, Alberta

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